Plant Care Guidelines

Throughout the United States.

Planting Time:
Mid- to late spring.

Planting Method:
Sow seeds 1 to 2 inches deep and 12 to 16 inches apart. Or set transplants so that the top of their rootball is even with the garden soil. Space 12 to 16 inches apart.

Any good garden soil that is high in
organic matter. pH 6.0 to 7.5.

At planting time, use 3 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer per 100-foot row. Side-dress with the same amount when the plants are 8 inches tall, and again when they are 18 inches tall.

How much: Apply enough water at each irrigation to wet the soil 8 to 10 inches deep.

How often: Keep the soil moist, never allowing it to dry out. Corn needs constant moisture all season.

Corn is generally ready to be picked 3 weeks after the silks appear. When ready, the silks become dark brown and dry. Test ripeness by pressing a kernel with your finger. If it spurts milky juice, it is ready. To pick, grab the ear at its base, bend it downward, and twist. Do not damage the main stalk. Pick corn just before cooking, as its flavor deteriorates rapidly when stored.

Related Links
Common Stalk Borer
Corn Earworm
Corn Rootworm
Corn Rootworm Larvae
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European Corn Borer
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Poor Pollination
Seedcorn Maggot

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